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Palembang city is the capital of South Sumatra province. Palembang is the second largest city in Sumatra after Medan. The city of Palembang has an area of 358.55 km² which is home to 1.8 million people with a population density of 4,800 per km². It is predicted that by 2030 the city will be inhabited by 2.5 million people. The construction of LRT (railway), and the plan of GP motor circuit construction in Jakabaring and F1 circuit in Tanjung Api-Api area, is the latest development project of Palembang City.
The history of Palembang, which was once the capital of the largest Buddhist monarchy of Southeast Asia at the time, the Sriwijaya Kingdom, which dominated the archipelago and the Malay peninsula in the 9th century also made this city known as the "Bumi Sriwijaya". Based on inscription Kedukan Bukit found in Bukit Siguntang west of Palembang City which states the formation of a wanua interpreted as a city on June 16, 688 AD makes the city of Palembang as the oldest city in Indonesia. In the Western world, the city of Palembang is also dubbed the Venice of the East ("Venice of the East"). Currently the mayor of Palembang is held by H. Harnojoyo, S.Sos.
The city is considered to be one of the centers of the Sriwijaya kingdom, the Rajendra Chola Raid of the Chola Kingdom in 1025, causing the city to become a simple harbor no longer meaningful to foreign merchants. Furthermore, based on Chinese chronicle Pa-lin-fong's name contained in the Chu-fan-chi book written in 1178 by Chou-Ju-Kua was referred to Palembang. Based on the story of Kidung Pamacangah and Babad Arya Tabanan mentioned a figure from Kediri named Arya Damar as regent of Palembang participated conquering Bali along with Gajah Mada Mahapatih Majapahit in 1343.
At the beginning of the 15th century, the city of Palembang was occupied by pirate Chen Zuyi who came from China. The pirate fleet Chen Zuyi was later crushed by Admiral Cheng Ho in 1407. Then around 1513, Tomé Pires a Portuguese pharmacist mentions Palembang, has been led by a designated patih from Java who was later referred to the Demak Sultanate as well as participated in attacking Malacca which time it has been mastered by the Portuguese.
Palembang emerged as a sultanate in 1659 with Sri Susuhunan Abdurrahman as its first king. But in 1823 the sultanate of Palembang was abolished by the Dutch East Indies government. After that Palembang is divided into two major residencies and settlements in Palembang are divided into areas Ilir and Ulu.
Geographical situation
Geographical location
Geographically, Palembang is located at 2 ° 59'27.99 "LS 104 ° 45'24.24" BT. The total area of Palembang City is 358.55 km² with an average height of 8 meters from sea level. Palembang location is quite strategic because it is traversed by Sumatra Cross road that connects between regions on the island of Sumatra. Palembang itself can be reached through flights from various cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bandar Lampung, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Tanjung Pandan (via Pangkal Pinang), Jambi, Lubuk Linggau, Padang, Pekanbaru, Batam, Medan Denpasar-Bali. As well as from abroad namely Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Jeddah (hajj season) In addition there is also in Palembang Musi River which is crossed Ampera Bridge and serves as a means of transportation and trade between regions.
Palembang climate is a tropical climate with relative humid wind, wind speeds ranging from 2.3 km / h - 4.5 km / hour. The city temperature ranges from 23.4 - 31.7 degrees celsius. Annual rainfall ranges from 2,000 mm - 3,000 mm. Air humidity ranges from 75 - 89% with 45% sun radiation average. Soil topography is relatively flat and low. Only a small part of the city whose land lies on a rather high place, in the northern part of the city. Most of the soil is a swampy area so that during the rainy season the area is inundated. Average altitude between 0 - 20 m above sea level.
In 2002 the city's minimum temperature occurred in October 22.70C, the highest 24.50C in May. While the lowest maximum temperature of 30.40C in January and the highest in September of 34.30C. Plainland not inundated: 49%, seasonally inundated soil: 15%, constantly inundated soil: 37% and number of functioning rivers 60 fruits (from the previous 108) remaining functioning as primary drainage channels.
Tropical humid relative, temperature between 220-320 Celsius, rainfall 22-428 mm / year, tidal influence between 3-5 meters and an average land height of 12 meters above sea level. Types of alluvial, clay and sandy land Palembang lay in the youngest layer, containing much oil, also known as the Palembang - Jambi valley. The soil is relatively flat and low, a rather high place lies in the northern part of the city. Some Palembang city is flooded with water, especially if there is continuous rain.
The population of Palembang is ethnic Malay and uses Malay language that has been adapted to the local dialect which is now known as the Palembang Language. However, migrants often use their local language as a colloquial language, such as Komering, Rawas, Musi, Pasemah, and Semendo. Outsiders from outside South Sumatra sometimes also use their local language as a colloquial language in a family or regional community. But to communicate with other Palembang residents, the population generally uses the Palembang language as a language of daily delivery. In addition to the natives, in Palembang there are also immigrants and citizens of descendants, such as from Java, Minangkabau, Madura, Bugis and Banjar. The descendants of many who live in Palembang are Tionghoa, Arab and Indian. The city of Palembang has several areas that are characteristic of a community such as Kapitan Village which is the area of Chinese Community and Al Munawwar Village, Assegaf Village, Al Habsyi Village, Kuto Batu, 19 Ilir Kampung Jamalullail and Kampung Alawiyyin Bayas River 10 Ilir which is the Community Area Arab.
Tourist attraction
Musi River, a river along the 750 km that divides the City of Palembang into two parts, namely Seberang Ulu and across Ilir is the longest river on the island of Sumatra. Since the first Musi River has become the economic pulse in the city of Palembang and South Sumatra Province. Along the banks of this river there are many attractions such as Ampera Bridge, Kuto Besak Fortress, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum, Kemaro Island, 16 Ilir Market, Rakit house, Pertamina oil refinery, PUSRI fertilizer factory, Bagus Yellow beach, Musi II Bridge, Mosque Al Munawar, etc.
Ampera Bridge, a magnificent bridge along the 177 meters crossing over the Musi River that connects the area Seberang Ulu and Seberang Ilir is an icon of Palembang. The bridge was built in 1962 and built using Japanese spoils as well as experts from Japan.
Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I Palembang Sultan Mosque, located in the center of Palembang City, this mosque is the largest mosque in South Sumatra with capacity 15.000 pilgrims.
Kuto Besak Fort, located on the banks of the River Musi and adjacent to the Ampera Bridge, this fort is one of the heritage buildings Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. On the inside of the fort is the health office of Sriwijaya Kodam II and the hospital. This fort is the only fortress in Indonesia which is stone walled and qualifies fortifications / defense built at its own expense for defense purposes of the European enemy attack and not named the hero of Europe.
The mayor's office building, located in the center of the city, originally served as a water tower because it serves to drain water throughout the city so it is also known as the Ledeng Office. Currently this building serves as the Office of the Mayor of Palembang and there are spotlights at the top of the building that beautify the face of the city at night.
Kambang Iwak Family Park, a tourist lake located in the middle of the city, close to the residence of the mayor of Palembang. On the shore of this lake there are many family recreation arena and crowded visited on holiday. Also in the middle of this lake there is a fountain that looks beautiful at night.
Forest Tourism Punti Wood, a jungle city tour located about 7 km from the city center with an area of 50 ha and since 1998 designated as a protected forest. Inside the forest there is a family recreation area and a residence of a group of local monkeys.
Archaeological Park of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya, a relic of the Sriwijaya Kingdom located on the banks of the Musi River. There is a royal stone stone inscription in this area.
Archaeological Park Bukit Siguntang, located in the hills west of Palembang. In this place there are many relics and ancient tombs of Sriwijaya Kingdom.
The People's Struggle Monument, located in the center of the city, is adjacent to the Great Mosque and Ampera Bridge. In accordance with its name in this building there are objects of historical relics in the colonial period.
Balaputradewa State Museum, a museum that holds many relics of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya.
Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, located near Ampera Bridge and Kuto Besak Fortress and formerly one of Palembang Darussalam palace relics. Inside there are many historical objects of Palembang City.
Textile Museum, located on Jl. Merdeka this museum stores textile objects from all regions in South Sumatra Province.
Tengkurep Crater
Cheng Ho Mosque Palembang
Soei Goeat Kiong Pagoda (Oldest Pagoda in Palembang)
Kampung Kapitan
Al Munawwar Arab Village 13 Ulu
Fantasy Island
Nice Yellow
Songket Craft Center
Kemaro Island
Pertamina Oil Refinery
Pupuk Pusri Factory
Gerong River
Jakabaring Sport City (JSC)
Waterboom OPI Jakabaring
The Amanzi Waterpark CitraGrand City
Rumah Mak Bani Montok
Aisle of Asia
Art and culture
The old history of Palembang as well as the entry of migrants from other regions, has made this city a multi-cultural city. Once lost the function as a large port, the population of this city then adopted coastal Malay culture, then Java. Until now this can be seen in the culture. One of them is language. Words like "lawang (door)", "gedang (banana)", is one such example. The title of nobility is also nuanced Javanese, like Raden Mas / Ayu. The tombs of Islamic relics are not different shapes and shades with Islamic tombs in Java.
The arts in Palembang include:
Art Dul Muluk (traditional drama performances typical of Palembang)
Dances such as Gending Sriwijaya held as a welcome to the guests and dance that was exhibited in the reception Tanggai wedding
Syarofal Anam is an Islamic arts brought by Arab merchants once, and became famous in Palembang by KH. M Akib, Ki Pack H. Umar and S. Abdullah bin Alwi Jamalullail
Regional Songs such as Melati Karangan, Sangke Deck, Cuk Mak Ilang, President Director and Ribang Kemambang
Rumah Adat Palembang is Rumah Limas and Rumah Rakit
In addition Palembang City store one of the best textiles in the world that is songket. Palembang songket cloth is one of the relics of Sriwijaya Kingdom and among the family of cloth woven cloth is often referred to as Ratunya Kain. Until now songket fabric is still made by woven manually and using traditional looms. Since ancient times songket cloth has been used as a customs clothing royal. Common colors used songket cloth is the color of gold and red. These two colors represent the golden age of the Sriwijaya Kingdom and the influence of China in the past. Materials used to produce this gold color is a gold thread imported directly from China, Japan, and Thailand. This golden thread that makes the price of songket cloth soar and make it as one of the best textiles in the world.
In addition to songket cloth, Palembang community is currently actively developing a new type of textile called batik Palembang. Unlike the Java batik, Palembang batik looks more cheerful because it uses bright colors and still retain traditional local motifs.
The city of Palembang also holds various festivals every year such as "Sriwijaya Festival" every June in order to commemorate the anniversary of Palembang, Bidar Festival and Ornamental Boat celebrating Independence Day, as well as various festivals commemorating the New Year Hijriah, Ramadhan and New Year.
Typical food
The city has a fairly large Chinese community. Foods such as pempek or tekwan made from fish impressed "Chinese taste" is thick on the people of Palembang.
Pempek, a typical food of Palembang that has been famous throughout Indonesia. By using the main ingredients of fish and sago meat, Palembang community has successfully developed the basic ingredients into various types of pempek by varying the contents and other additives such as chicken eggs, fish skin, and tofu on the basic ingredients. Variety types of pempek contained in Palembang include pempek submarine, pempek lenjer, pempek curling, pempek adaan, pempek skin, pempek tahu, pempek pistel, pempek shrimp, pempek lenggang, pempek bakang, pempek split and pempek brain - brain. As a complement to eat pempek, Palembang people usually add black-colored sauce made from red sugar stew, chillies and dried shrimp that the local community called vinegar sauce (cuko).
Tekwan, a typical food of Palembang with a fish-like fish-based soup made of fish and sago formed small - similar to fish meatballs, then added shrimp broth as gravy, and soun and ear mushrooms as a complement.
Model, similar to tekwan but the basic ingredients of fish and sago meat formed resemble pempek tahu then cut a small small and added shrimp broth as a soup and soun as a complement. There are two types of models, namely Model Fish (Model Iwak) and Wheat Model (Model Gendum).
Laksan, pempek lenjer thick, cut transversely and then watered with hot coconut milk.
Dimple, like laksan, it's just dough pempek formed like bigger tekwan and doused with coconut milk.
Mie Celor, made from yellow noodle with size rather big like soba noodles from Japan, doused with soup broth sauce and shrimp meat.
Burgo, made from rice flour and sago flour formed like a rolled-up dadar which is then sliced, enjoyed with coconut milk.
Lakso, made from rice flour, similar to Burgo, but textured noodles.
Martabak HAR, is a typical food from India that is under by Haji Abdul Razak. Based wheat flour, which is given duck eggs and chicken eggs, sauce made from goat curry mixed with potatoes.
Pindang Patin, one of the typical food of Palembang which is based on catfish meat which is boiled with spicy seasoning and usually added pineapple slice to give fresh taste. Delicious eaten with warm white rice, tasty savory, spicy and fresh.
Pindang Bone, bone-based bovine with a bit of meat that is still attached and marrow in the bone, boiled with spicy seasoning, as well as pindang patin, this food is delicious eaten as a side dish with warm white rice.
Malbi, similar to rendang, just tastes a bit sweet, berkuah and tasty.
Tempoyak, a typical food of Palembang which is based on durian fried meat with chili and onion slices, it looks like a sauce and is usually eaten as a food supplement, it feels unique and tasty.
The brain, the pempek variant that has spread all over Indonesia, is similar to pempek that is dicocol with coconut sauce and then wrapped in banana leaves, cooked by baking on the embers and usually eaten with chilli / peanut sauce.
Kemplang, pempek lenjer, thinly sliced and then dried in the sun to dry. After dry kemplang can be cooked by frying or baked until fluffy.
Crackers, like kemplang, only the dough is formed circular, dried, and then fried.
Cake Maksubah, a typical cake Palembang-based main duck eggs and sweetened condensed milk. In making the required eggs can reach about 28 grains. The dough is then processed like a layer pastry dough. It tastes good, sweet and legit. This cake is believed to be one of the palace palace palembang palace which is often served as a dish for the guest of honor. But now this maximized cake can be found all over Palembang and is often served during holidays.
Cake Eight Hours with a dough like maximal cake, this cake as the name suggests because in the process of making it takes eight hours. Palembang typical cake is also often served as a dish for guests of honor and is often served in the feast.
Srikayo cake made from egg and pandan leaves, shaped like pudding. This green cake is usually eaten with sticky rice and has a sweet and legit taste.
The star hotels in Palembang include:
Aryaduta Hotel and Convention Center *****
Novotel Hotel & Residence *****
The Arista Hotel Palembang *****
Horison Hotel Optima Palembang *****
Aston International & Conferrence Hotel ****
Hotel Sandjaja ****
Hotel Batiqa ****
Hotel Sintesa Peninsula ****
The Jayakarta Daira Hotel ****
Hotel Swarna Dwipa ****
Hotel Grand Zuri ***
Rio City Hotel ***
Hotel Royal Asia ***
SwisBelin Hotel ***
Hotel Lembang ***
Hotel Princess ***
Hotel King's (burned out and will be reopened) ***
Hotel Amaris ***
Grand Duta Syariah Hotel ***
Fave Hotel ***
Hotel Emilia ***
Hotel Zuri Express **
Hotel Duta **
Maxone Hotel **
Hotel Tours **
Sriwijaya Hotel **
Hotel Budi **
Hotel Paradise **
Hotel Bumi Asih **
Hotel Arjuna **
Hotel Anugerah **
Hotel Safa Marwah
Home Inn Hotel Palembang
Hotel Alam Sutra