KH Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur (born in Jombang, East Java, 7 September 1940 - died in Jakarta, 30 December 2009 at the age of 69 years) is an Indonesian Muslim and political leader who became the fourth President of Indonesia from 1999 to 2001. He succeeds President BJ Habibie after being elected by the People's Consultative Assembly resulting from the 1999 General Election. The administration of his government was assisted by the Cabinet of National Unity. Abdurrahman Wahid's presidency began on October 20, 1999 and ended in the MPR Special Session in 2001. Exactly July 23, 2001, his leadership was replaced by Megawati Soekarnoputri after his mandate was revoked by the MPR. Abdurrahman Wahid is the former chairman of Tanfidziyah (executive body) of Nahdlatul Ulama and founder of the National Awakening Party (PKB).
Early Life
Abdurrahman Wahid was born on the 4th day and the 8th month of the 1940 Islamic calendar in Denanyar Jombang, East Java from the couple Wahid Hashim and Solichah. There is a belief that he was born on August 4, but the calendar used to mark his birthday is the Islamic calendar which means he was born on 4 Sya'ban 1359 Hijri, the same as 7 September 1940.He was born by the name of Abdurrahman Addakhil. "Addakhil" means "The Conqueror". The word "Addakhil" was not well known and renamed "Wahid", and was later known as Gus Dur's call. "Gus" is a typical pesantren honorific call to a kiai child meaning "brother" or "mas".
Gus Dur was the first of six children. Wahid was born into a very respectable family in the Muslim community of East Java. The grandfather of his father is K.H. Hashim Asyari, founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), while his maternal grandfather, K.H. Bisri Syansuri, was the first pesantren teacher to teach classes to women. Gus Dur's father, K.H. Wahid Hasyim, was involved in the Nationalist Movement and became Minister of Religion in 1949. His mother, Mrs. Hj. Sholehah, is the founding daughter of Pondok Pesantren Denanyar Jombang. His brothers are Salahuddin Wahid and Lily Wahid. He is married to Sinta Nuriyah and has four daughters: Alisa, Yenny, Anita, and Inayah.
Abdurrahman had publicly declared that he had Chinese blood. Abdurrahman Wahid confessed that he is a descendant of Tan Kim Han who is married to Tan A Lok, Raden Patah's brother (Tan Eng Hwa), the founder of Demak Sultanate.
Tan A Lok and Tan Eng Hwa is the son of Princess Campa, the daughter of China who is the concubine of Raden Brawijaya V. Tan Kim Han himself later based on the research of a French researcher, Louis-Charles Damais identified as Sheikh Abdul Qodir Al-Shini who found his grave in Trowulan.
In 1944, Wahid moved from Jombang to Jakarta, where his father was elected the first Chairman of the Syuro Muslimin Indonesia Assembly Party (Masyumi), an organization that stood with the support of Japanese soldiers who were then occupying Indonesia. After the declaration of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945, Gus Dur returned to Jombang and remained there during the Indonesian independence war against the Dutch. At the end of the war in 1949, Wahid moved to Jakarta and his father was appointed Minister of Religion. Abdurrahman Wahid studied in Jakarta, went to SD KRIS before moving to Matraman Perwari Elementary School. Wahid was also taught reading non-Muslim books, magazines, and newspapers by his father to expand his knowledge. Abdurrahman continued to live in Jakarta with his family even though his father had not become a minister of religion in 1952. In April 1953, Wahid's father died from a car accident.
Wahid's education continued and in 1954, he entered Junior High School. That year, he did not go to class. His mother then sent Gus Dur to Yogyakarta to continue his education by reciting KH. Ali Maksum at Pondok Pesantren Krapyak and studying in junior high school. In 1957, after graduating from junior high school, Wahid moved to Magelang to start Muslim Education at Tegalrejo Pesantren. He developed a reputation as a gifted pupil, completing pesantren education within two years (should be four years). In 1959, Wahid moved to Pesantren Tambakberas in Jombang. There, while continuing his own education, Abdurrahman Wahid also accepted his first job as a teacher and later as a madrasah principal. Gus Dur was also employed as a journalist for magazines such as Horizon and Culture Jaya Magazine
Education abroad
In 1963, Wahid received a scholarship from the Ministry of Religious Affairs to study Islamic Studies at Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. He went to Egypt in November 1963. Although he was proficient in Arabic, Gus Dur was told by the university that he should take remedial classes before studying Islam and Arabic. Unable to provide evidence that he possessed Arabic skills, Wahid was forced to take remedial classes.Abdurrahman Wahid enjoyed living in Egypt in 1964; He likes to watch European and American movies, and also watch football games. Wahid was also involved with the Indonesian Student Association and became a journalist for the association magazine. At the end of the year, he successfully passed his Arabic remedial class. When he began his studies in Islam and Arabic in 1965, Gus Dur was disappointed; He has studied much of the material given and rejected the method of study used by the University.
In Egypt, Wahid was employed at the Indonesian Embassy. As he worked, the September 30th Movement (G30S) ensued. Major General Suharto handled the situation in Jakarta and the communist eradication effort took place. As part of the effort, the Indonesian Embassy in Egypt is ordered to investigate university students and report their political position. This command was given to Wahid, who was assigned to write the report.
Wahid has failed in Egypt. He disagreed with his method of education and his work after the G30S annoyed him. In 1966, he was told that he had to repeat the study. Gus Dur's undergraduate education was saved through a scholarship at Baghdad University. Wahid moved to Iraq and enjoyed his new environment. Although he was negligent at first, Wahid quickly learned. Wahid also continued his involvement in the Association of Indonesian Students and also wrote the association magazine.
After finishing his education at the University of Baghdad in 1970, Abdurrahman Wahid went to the Netherlands to continue his education. Wahid wanted to study at the University of Leiden, but was disappointed that his education at the University of Baghdad was less recognized. From the Netherlands, Wahid went to Germany and France before returning to Indonesia in 1971.
Early career
Gus Dur returned to Jakarta expecting that he would go abroad again to study at Canada's McGill University. He made himself busy by joining the Institute for Research, Education and Information of the Economic and Social Affairs (LP3ES) organization of progressive Muslim intellectuals and social democrats. LP3ES established Prisma and Gusdur magazines to be one of the main contributors to the magazine. In addition to working as a LP3ES contributor, Gusdur also toured pesantren and madrasah throughout Java. At that time, pesantrens tried hard to get funding from the government by adopting the government curriculum. Gusdur is concerned about the condition because the traditional values ??of pesantren are increasingly faded due to this change. Gusdur is also concerned with the poverty of the pesantren he sees. At the same time when they persuaded the pesantren to adopt the government's curriculum, the government also persuaded the pesantren as a change agent and assisted the government in the economic development of Indonesia. Gusdur chose to abandon study abroad and prefer to develop a pesantren.Abdurrahman Wahid continued his career as a journalist, writing for magazines and newspapers The article was well received and he began to develop a reputation as a social commentator. With that popularity, he received many invitations to give lectures and seminars, making him have to commute between Jakarta and Jombang, where Gusdur lives with his family.
Despite having a successful career at the time, Gusdur still found it difficult to live on only one source of income and he worked to earn extra income by selling beans and delivering ice. In 1974 Gusdur got additional work in Jombang as a teacher at Tambakberas Pesantren and soon developed a good reputation. One year later Wahid added his work by becoming Guru Kitab Al Hikam.
In 1977, Gusdur joined Hashim Asyari University as the dean of the Faculty of Practice and Islamic Faith and the University wanted Gusdur to teach additional subjects such as Islamic Sharia and missiology. But the excess caused some displeasure among some universities.
Nahdlatul Ulama
Initial engagement
The Wahid family background soon means. He will be asked to play an active role in running the NU. This demand contrasted with Abdurrahman's aspirations in becoming a public intellectual and he twice rejected the offer of joining the NU Religious Advisory Council. However, Wahid eventually joined the Board after his grandfather, Bisri Syansuri, gave him a third offer. Taking this job, Wahid also chose to move from Jombang to Jakarta and settle there. As a member of the Religious Advisory Council, Wahid led himself as a NU reformer.At that time, Abdurrahman Wahid also got his first political experience. In the 1982 legislative elections, Wahid campaigned for the United Development Party (PPP), an Islamic Party formed as a result of a joint 4 Islamic parties including NU. Wahid mentioned that the Government interfered with PPP's campaign by arresting people like himself. However, Wahid always managed to escape because he had relationships with important people such as General Benny Moerdani.
Reforming NU
At that time, many people saw NU as an organization in a state of stagnation / stalled. After discussion, the Religious Advisory Council finally formed a Team of Seven (which included Wahid) to work on reform issues and help revive NU. Reforms within the organization include leadership changes. On May 2, 1982, high-ranking NU officials met with NU Chief Idham Chalid and asked that he resign. Idham, who had guided NU in the transition from Soekarno to Suharto, initially resisted, but eventually retreated under pressure. On May 6, 1982, Wahid heard of Idham's choice to step down and meet him, then he said that the request for retreat was unconstitutional. With Wahid's appeal, Idham canceled his setback and Wahid along with Team Seven could negotiate an agreement between Idham and the man who requested his setback.In 1983, Suharto was re-elected as president for a fourth term by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and began to take steps to make Pancasila a State Ideology. From June 1983 to October 1983, Wahid became part of the group assigned to prepare NU's response to the issue. Wahid consulted readings such as the Quran and Sunnah for justification and finally, in October 1983, he concluded that NU should accept Pancasila as the State Ideology. To further revive NU, Wahid also resigned from PPP and political parties. This is done so that NU can focus on social issues rather than being hampered by engaging in politics.
Elected as chairman and first term
Wahid's reforms made him very popular among the NU. At the 1984 National Assembly, many people began to express their desire to nominate Wahid as the new chairman of NU. Wahid accepted this nomination on condition that he obtain full authority to elect the managers who will work under him. Wahid was elected Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Board of Directors at the National Congress. However, the requirement to be able to choose for themselves the managers under it are not fulfilled. On the last day of the National Conference, the list of members of Wahid is being discussed by NU officials including the previous Chairman of the NU, Idham Chalid. Wahid had previously given a list to the National Conference Committee which was due to be announced that day. However, the National Committee, as opposed to Idham, announced an entirely different list to the Munas participants.The election of Gus Dur was seen positively by Suharto and the New Order regime. Wahid's acceptance of Pancasila along with his moderate image made him favored by government officials. In 1985, Suharto made Gus Dur the indoctrinator of Pancasila. In 1987, Abdurrahman Wahid showed further support for the regime by criticizing PPP in the 1987 legislative elections and strengthening Suharto's Golkar Party. He later became a member of the MPR representing Golkar. Although he was favored by the regime, Wahid criticized the government for the World Bank-funded Kedung Ombo Dam project. This shattered Wahid's relationship with the government, but at the time Suharto still received political support from NU.
During his first term, Gus Dur focused on reforming the pesantren education system and succeeded in improving the quality of the pesantren education system so as to counter secular schools. In 1987, Gus Dur also set up a study group in Probolinggo, East Java to provide individual forums as solitary in NU to discuss and provide interpretations of Muslim texts. Abdurrahman had also faced criticism that he expected to change the Muslim greetings "assalamualaikum" into secular greetings "good morning"
The second term and against the New Order
Wahid was re-elected for the second term of the NU Chairmanship at the 1989 National Congress. At that time, Suharto, who was involved in a political battle with ABRI, began attracting Muslim sympathy for their support. In December 1990, the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) was formed to appeal to Muslim Intellectuals. This organization is supported by Suharto, chaired by Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie and in it there are Muslim intellectuals such as Amien Rais and Nurcholish Madjid as members. In 1991, some ICMI members asked Gus Dur to join. Gus Dur refused because he thought ICMI supported sectarianism and would keep Suharto strong. In 1991, Wahid opposed ICMI by forming the Democracy Forum, an organization of 45 intellectuals from various religious and social communities. The organization was reckoned by the government and the government to stop the meeting held by the Democracy Forum as it was ahead of the 1992 legislative elections.In March 1992, Gus Dur planned to hold a Great Deliberation to celebrate the 66th anniversary of NU and to repeat the statement of NU support to Pancasila. Wahid planned the event to be attended by at least one million NU members. However, Soeharto blocked the event, instructing the police to return buses containing NU members when they arrived in Jakarta. However, the event was attended by 200,000 people. After the event, Abdurrahman sent a letter of protest to Soeharto stating that NU was not given the opportunity to present an open, fair and tolerant Islam. During his second term as chairman of NU, Abdurrahman's liberal ideas began to turn many of his supporters into disagreement. As chairman, Wahid continued to encourage interfaith dialogue and even accepted an invitation to visit Israel in October 1994.
A third term and heading for reform
Ahead of the 1994 National Assembly, Abdurrahman nominated himself for a third term. Hearing this, Soeharto wants Wahid not to be elected. In the weeks before munas, Suharto's supporters, such as Habibie and Harmoko, were campaigning against Gus Dur's re-election. When national deliberations were held, the elections were closely guarded by ABRI in the act of intimidation. There were also attempts to bribe NU members not to vote. However, Gus Dur remained elected chairman of NU for a third term. During this time, Abdurrahman started a political alliance with Megawati Soekarnoputri from the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI). Megawati who uses her father's name has great popularity and plans to keep suppressing the Soeharto regime. Wahid advised Megawati to be careful and refused to be elected President for the 1998 MPR General Session. Megawati ignored her and paid a fortune when in July 1996 her PDI headquarters was taken over by supporters of the government-backed PDI Chairman Soerjadi.Seeing what happened to Megawati, Abdurrahman thought that his best option now was to step back politically by supporting the government. In November 1996, Wahid and Suharto met for the first time since the re-election of Gus Dur as NU chairman and subsequent months followed by meetings with various government figures who in 1994 attempted to block Gus Dur's re-election. At the same time, Abdurrahman allowed his choice to reform still open and in December 1996 met with Amien Rais, a member of ICMI critical of government policies.
July 1997 was the beginning of the Asian Financial Crisis. Suharto began to lose control of the situation. Gus Dur was encouraged to reform with Megawati and Amien, but he suffered a stroke in January 1998. From the hospital, Wahid saw the situation continue to deteriorate with Soeharto's re-election as President and student protests that led to the May 1998 riots after the shooting of six students at Trisakti University . On 19 May 1998, Abdurrahman, along with eight prominent leaders of the Muslim community, was summoned to Suharto's residence. Soeharto gave the concept of the Reform Committee he proposed. The nine leaders refused to join the Reform Committee. Gus Dur had a more moderate stance with Suharto and asked the demonstrators to stop to see if Suharto would keep his promise. It was not liked by Amien, who was Suharto's most critical opposition at the time. However, Suharto announced his resignation on 21 May 1998. Vice President Habibie became president replacing Suharto.
Formation of PKB and Ciganjur Statement
One of the effects of Soeharto's fall was the formation of a new political party. Under the Soeharto regime, there are only three political parties: Golkar, PPP and PDI. With the fall of Soeharto, political parties began to take shape, with the most important being the National Mandate Party (PAN) of Amien formation and Megawati's Megawati-Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P). In June 1998, many people from the NU community asked Gus Dur to form a new political party. It does not directly implement the idea. But in July 1998 Abdurrahman began to respond to the idea because establishing a political party was the only way to fight Golkar in the general election. Wahid approved the formation of the PKB and became Chairman of the Advisory Board with Matori Abdul Djalil as party chairman. Although the party was dominated by members of NU, Gus Dur stated that the party was open to everyone.In November 1998, at a meeting in Ciganjur, Gus Dur, along with Megawati, Amien, and Sultan Hamengkubuwono X again declared their commitment to reform. On February 7, 1999, the PKB officially declared Gus Dur a candidate for the presidential election.
The 1999 General Election and the General Session of the MPR
In June 1999, PKB parties participated in the legislative election arena. PKB won 12% of the vote with PDI-P winning 33% of the vote. With his party victory, Megawati is expected to win the presidential election at the MPR General Assembly. However, PDI-P does not have a full majority seat, thus forming an alliance with PKB. In July, Amien Rais formed the Central Axis, a coalition of Muslim parties. Central Axis began to nominate Abdurrahman as the third candidate in the presidential election and PKB's commitment to PDI-P began to change.On 7 October 1999, Amien and Central Axis officially declared Abdurrahman Wahid as a presidential candidate. On 19 October 1999, the MPR rejected Habibie's accountability speech and he resigned from the presidential election. Moments later, Akbar Tanjung, chairman of Golkar and chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR) said Golkar would support Abdurrahman. On October 20, 1999, the MPR again gathered and began to elect a new president. Abdurrahman Wahid was later elected as the 4th Indonesian President with 373 votes, while Megawati only 313 votes.
Unhappy that their candidate failed to win the election, Megawati's supporters went berserk and Gus Dur realized that Megawati should be elected vice president. After convincing General Wiranto not to participate in the vice-presidential election and to make the PKB support Megawati, Gus Dur also succeeded in convincing Megawati to participate. On 21 October 1999, Megawati participated in the vice presidential election and defeated Hamzah Haz from PPP.
Gus Dur's first cabinet, the National Unity Cabinet, is a coalition cabinet that includes members of various political parties: PDI-P, PKB, Golkar, PPP, PAN and Justice Party (PK). Non-partisan and TNI are also present in the cabinet. Wahid then began two government reforms. The first reform was to disband the Ministry of Information, the main weapon of the Soeharto regime in controlling the media. The second reform was to dissolve the corrupt Ministry of Social Affairs.In November 1999, Wahid visited ASEAN member countries, Japan, the United States, Qatar, Kuwait, and Jordan. After that, in December, he visited the People's Republic of China.
After a month in the National Unity Cabinet, Coordinating Minister for Poverty Alleviation (Coordinating Minister for Poverty) Hamzah Haz announced his resignation in November. There was allegations that his resignation was due to Abdurrahman accusing some members of the cabinet of corruption while he was still in the United States. Some suspect that Hamzah Haz's resignation was due to his displeasure over Abdurrahman's approach with Israel.
Gus Dur's plan was to give Aceh a referendum. But this referendum determines autonomy and not independence like the East Timor referendum. Gus Dur also wanted to adopt a more gentle approach to Aceh by reducing the number of military personnel in the Serambi Country of Mecca. On December 30, Gus Dur visited Jayapura in the province of Irian Jaya. During his visit Abdurrahman Wahid convinced the Papuan leaders that he encouraged the use of the Papuan name.
In January 2000, Abdurrahman traveled overseas to Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum and visit Saudi Arabia on his way back to Indonesia. In February, Wahid traveled overseas to other Europe by visiting England, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy. On his way home from Europe, Gus Dur also visited India, South Korea, Thailand, and Brunei Darussalam. In March, Abdurrahman visited Timor Leste. In April, Wahid visited South Africa on his way to Cuba to attend the G-77 meeting, before returning through Mexico City and Hong Kong. In June, Wahid once again visited America, Japan and France with Iran, Pakistan and Egypt as new additions to the list of countries he visited.When Gus Dur traveled to Europe in February, he began to ask General Wiranto to resign from the post of Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs. Gus Dur saw Wiranto as an obstacle to the military reform plan and also because of allegations of human rights abuses in East Timor against Wiranto.
When Gus Dur returned to Jakarta, Wiranto talked to him and managed to convince Gus Dur not to replace him. However, Abdurrahman changed his mind and asked him to withdraw. In April 2000, Gus Dur dismissed Minister of Industry and Trade Jusuf Kalla and State Minister for State Enterprises Laksamana Sukardi. The reason given by Wahid is that both were involved in corruption cases, even though Abdurrahman never provided strong evidence. This worsened Gus Dur's relationship with Golkar and PDI-P.
In March 2000, Gus Dur's government began to negotiate with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). Two months later, the government signed a memorandum of understanding with GAM until early 2001, when the two signatories would violate the agreement. Gus Dur also proposed that TAP MPRS no. XXIX / MPR / 1966 which prohibits Marxism-Leninism revoked.
He also tried to open relations with Israel, which caused anger at Indonesian Muslim groups. The issue was raised in the speech of Ribbhi Awad, the Palestinian ambassador to Indonesia, to the Palestinian parliament in 2000. Another issue that arose was Gus Dur's membership to the Shimon Peres Foundation. Both Gus Dur and his foreign minister Alwi Shihab opposed the inappropriate depiction of the Indonesian President, and Alwi requested that Awad, the Palestinian ambassador to Indonesia, be replaced.
In an attempt to reform the military and remove the military from the socio-political space, Abdurrahman found an ally, Agus Wirahadikusumah, whom he appointed as Commander of Kostrad in March. In July 2000, Agus began opening a scandal involving Dharma Putra, a foundation with links to Kostrad. Through Megawati, members of the TNI began pressuring Wahid to dismantle Agus. Abdurrahman followed the pressure, but planned to appoint Agus as Army Chief of Staff. The TNI chief responded by threatening to retire, so Gus Dur again had to comply with the pressure.
Abdurrahman's relationship with the TNI got worse as Laskar Jihad arrived in Maluku and armed by the TNI. Laskar Jihad goes to Maluku to help Muslims in conflict with Christians. Wahid asked the TNI to stop Laskar Jihad, but they still managed to reach Maluku and armed by TNI weapons.
There were also two scandals in 2000, the Buloggate and Bruneigate scandals. In May, the Logistics Agency (Bulog) reported that $ 4 million disappeared from Bulog's cash supply. Personal mask Gus Dur claimed that he was sent by Gus Dur to Bulog to take the money. Although the money was returned, Gus Dur's enemies accused him of being involved in the scandal. This scandal is called the Buloggate scandal. At the same time, Gus Dur was also accused of saving $ 2 million for himself. The money is a donation from the Sultan of Brunei to help in Aceh. However, Gus Dur failed to account for the fund. This scandal is called the Bruneigate scandal.
The 2000 General Session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) was almost over, Gus Dur's popularity was still high. Wahid's allies such as Megawati, Akbar and Amien still support him despite scandals and ministerial dismissals. At the General Session of the People's Consultative Assembly, Wahid's speech was accepted by the majority of MPR members. During the speech, Wahid realized his weakness as a leader and stated he would represent some tasks. MPR members agreed and suggested that Megawati accept the assignment. At first the MPR planned to apply this proposal as TAP MPR, but the Presidential Decree is considered sufficient. On August 23, Wahid announced a new cabinet even though Megawati wanted the announcement postponed. Megawati showed her displeasure by not being present at the cabinet announcement. The new cabinet is smaller and includes more non-partisans. There were no Golkar members in Gus Dur's new cabinet.
In September, Gus Dur declared martial law in the Moluccas because of the worsening conditions there. At that time it became clear that Laskar Jihad was supported by TNI members and possibly funded by Fuad Bawazier, Suharto's last finance minister. In the same month, the Morning Star flag fluttered in West Papua. Gus Dur allowed the Morning Star flag to fly as long as it was under the banner of Indonesia. He was criticized by Megawati and Akbar for this. On 24 December 2000, there were bomb attacks on churches in Jakarta and eight other cities across Indonesia.
At the end of 2000, there were many political elites who were disappointed with Abdurrahman Wahid. The person who most shows his disappointment is Amien. He expressed his disappointment in supporting Abdurrahman as president last year. Amien also tried to gather opposition by convincing Megawati and Gus Dur to stretch their political muscles. Megawati protected Abdurrahman while Akbar waited for the 2004 legislative elections. At the end of November, 151 House members signed a petition calling for the impeachment of Abdurrahman.
2001 and the end of power
In January 2001, Gus Dur announced that the Lunar New Year was an optional holiday. This action was followed by the lifting of the ban on the use of Chinese characters. Gus Dur then visited North Africa as well as Saudi Arabia for the pilgrimage. Abdurrahman Wahid made his last overseas trip as president in June 2001 when he visited Australia.At a meeting with university rectors on January 27, 2001, Gus Dur declared the possibility of Indonesia entering into anarchism. He then proposed the dissolution of the House of Representatives if this happened. The meeting added the anti-Wahid movement. On February 1, the House met to issue a note to Gus Dur. The memo contains the holding of a Special Session of the People's Consultative Assembly in which the President's impeachment may take place. PKB members can only walk out in response to this. This note also caused protests between NU. In East Java, NU members protested around the Golkar regional office. In Jakarta, Gus Dur's opposition accused him of pushing the protests. Gus Dur denied and went to talk with demonstrators in Pasuruan. However, NU demonstrators continued to show their support for Gus Dur and in April announced that they were ready to defend Abdurrahman as president until death.
In March, Abdurrahman tried to counter the opposition by fighting the incident in his cabinet. Justice and Human Rights Minister Yusril Ihza Mahendra was removed from the cabinet because he announced a request for Gus Dur to resign. Forestry Minister Nurmahmudi Ismail was also dismissed on the grounds of a different vision with the President, opposed to policy making, and was considered unable to control the Justice Party, at which time his masses participated in the action demanding Gus Dur to resign. In response to this, Megawati began to keep her distance and was not present in the inauguration of the minister's replacement. On April 30, the House of Representatives issued a second note and requested the holding of the MPR Special Session on 1 August.
Abdurrahman began to despair and asked the Coordinating Minister for Political, Social and Security Affairs (Menko Polsoskam) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to declare a state of emergency. Yudhoyono refused and Gus Dur dismissed him from his post and four other ministers in a cabinet reshuffle on July 1, 2001. Finally on July 20, Amien Rais stated that the Special Session of the MPR would be brought forward on July 23. TNI deployed 40,000 troops in Jakarta and also lowered tanks pointing towards the State Palace as a form of power appointment. Abdurrahman then announced the imposition of a decree containing (1) the dissolution of the MPR / DPR, (2) restoring sovereignty to the people by speeding up elections within a year, and (3) freezing the Golkar Party as a form of opposition to the MPR Special Session. But the decree was not supported and on July 23, the MPR formally impeached Gus Dur and replaced it with Megawati Sukarnoputri. Abdurrahman Wahid continued to insist that he was president and remained at the State Palace for several days, but finally on July 25 he went to the United States because of health problems.
Activity after presidency
The split on PKB's body
Prior to the Special Session of the MPR, PKB members agreed not to attend as a symbol of solidarity. However, Matori Abdul Djalil, chairman of the PKB, insisted on attending because he is the Vice Chairman of the MPR. With his position as Chairman of the Syuro Council, Gus Dur dropped Matori's position as Chairman of the PKB on 15 August 2001 and prohibited him from participating in the party's activities before revoking Matori's membership in November. On January 14, 2002, Matori held a Special Congress attended by his supporters in PKB. The National Assembly elected him again as chairman of the PKB. Gus Dur responded by holding his own National Conference on 17 January, the day after the Matori National Assembly finished the National Conference electing Gus Dur as Chairman of the Advisory Board and Alwi Shihab as Chairman of the PKB. PKB Gus Dur is better known as PKB Kuningan while PKB Matori is known as PKB Batutulis.2004 elections
In April 2004, PKB participated in the 2004 Indonesian House of Representatives, DPD and DPRD elections, earning 10.6% of the votes. For the 2004 Indonesian Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections, where the people will vote directly, PKB elect Wahid as a presidential candidate. However, Gus Dur failed to pass a medical examination so the General Election Commission declined to include him as a candidate. Gus Dur then supported Solahuddin who was a couple from Wiranto. On 5 July 2004, Wiranto and Solahuddin lost the election. For the second election between the Yudhoyono-Kalla couples and Megawati-Muzadi, Gus Dur declared golput.Opposition to the SBY government
In August 2005, Abdurrahman became one of the leaders of a political coalition called Coalition Nusantara Bangkit Bersatu. Together with Try Sutrisno, Wiranto, Akbar Tanjung and Megawati, the coalition criticized the government policy of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, especially regarding the removal of fuel subsidies that will lead to higher fuel prices.Personal life
Wahid is married to Sinta Nuriyah and has four children: Alissa Qotrunnada, Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh (Yenny), Anita Hayatunnufus, and Inayah Wulandari. Yenny is also actively involved in the National Awakening Party and is currently the director of The Wahid Institute.Dead
Abdurrahman suffered from many illnesses, even since he took office as president. He suffers from visual disturbances, so often letters and books to read or write must be read or written by others. Several times he suffered a stroke. Diabetes and kidney disorders also suffered. He died on Wednesday, December 30, 2009, at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, at 6:45 pm due to various complications of the disease, which he suffered for a long time. Before he died he had to undergo regular hemodialysis (dialysis). According to his brother Salahuddin Wahid, Abdurrahman died of clogged arteries. A week before being transferred to Jakarta he was treated in Jombang after traveling in East Java.Testimonials
KH. Mustofa Bisri (Gus Mus):"In my opinion, Gus Dur was sent by God, to teach Indonesia to be different from the others. Therefore, Gus Dur is very controversial, every attitude and his words cause controversy. That way, Indonesians will learn how to be different from others. That is actually the essence of Gus Dur's presence in Indonesia. Then, we will become a truly democratic country, because of mutual respect for the opinions of others. We are a very plural country, very diverse. We have the slogan of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), and it lately is like being challenged by people who can not be different from their brothers. Abdurrahman was instrumental, very meritorious and numerous. Maybe later, his followers are responsible for continuing his struggle. "
Guruh Soekarnoputra:
"I think he deserves to be a national hero. Many of the things that need to be emulated and must be passed down to the younger generation. For example what made a book about his thoughts, his biography and so on. "
Viryanadi Mahatera:
"Gus Dur is one of the truly universal figures. During this time Gus Dur is often present in our midst. Every time there are big events, such as seminars, talk shows in the context of pluralism, and others. And what it says; Messages, clues, counsels, these bring progress to the Buddhist community in particular. Gus Dur is our advisor. "
Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono:
"As a reformer, the deceased has taught us to universal ideas of our importance as a diverse nation that respects and values ??justice. Through his words, traits, and deeds, Gus Dur inflames and institutionalizes our respect for pluralism and mixed identities of religious, ethnic, and regional differences. Whether realized or not, in fact he is the father of pluralism of multiculturalism in Indonesia. "
In 1993, Gus Dur received the Ramon Magsaysay Award, a prestigious award for the Community Leadership category.Wahid was named the "Father of China" by some Chinese characters in Semarang at the Tay Kak Sie Temple, Gang Lombok, which is known as the Chinatown area on March 10, 2004.
He was awarded by Simon Wiesenthal Center, a foundation dealing with human rights enforcement. Wahid received the award because according to them he is one of the figures who care about human rights issues. Gus Dur received an award from Los Angeles-based Mebal Valor because Wahid was judged to have the courage to defend the minorities, one of them in defending Confucian communities in Indonesia in obtaining his rights which had been locked up during the New Order era. Wahid also received an award from Temple University. His name is immortalized as the name of the study group Abdurrahman Wahid Chair of Islamic Study. On July 21, 2010, despite his death, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award in Liputan 6 Awards 2010. The award was handed over directly to Sinta Nuriyah, Gus Dur's wife.
On August 11, 2006, Arivia Girl and Gus Dur got Tasrif Award-AJI as Freedom Fighters 2006. This award was given by Alliance of Independent Journalist (AJI). Abdurrahman and Gadis Dur are considered to have the spirit, vision and commitment in fighting for freedom of expression, equality, diversity and democracy in Indonesia. Abdurrahman and Gadis Dur were elected by a jury consisting of cultural expert Butet Kertaradjasa, editor-in-chief of The Jakarta Post Endy Bayuni, and Chairman of the National Commission of Women Chandra Kirana. They won over 23 other candidates. The Tasrif Award for Gus Dur drew protests from journalists who attended the press conference. A journalist said that just because of Gus Dur's efforts against the Anti-Porno-action Bill and Pornography, he received the award. Other journalists such as Ati Nurbaiti, former Chairman of AJI Indonesia and The Jakarta Post journalist denied and questioned Wahid's struggle against the APP bill with press freedom
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