Site of Mount Padang, prehistoric site of Megalithic cultural heritage that had been forgotten


Gunung Padang site is a prehistoric site of Megalithic cultural heritage in West Java. Precisely located on the border of Dusun Gunungpadang and Panggulan, Karyamukti Village, Campaka District, Cianjur Regency. The location can be reached 20 kilometers from the junction of the town of Warungkondang district, between the City of Cianjur and Sukabumi. The main complex is approximately 900 m², located at an altitude of 885 m above sea level, and the site is about 3 ha, making it the largest punden complex in Southeast Asia.
The first report on the existence of this site was published in the Rapporten van de Oudheidkundige Dienst (ROD, "Bulletin of Antiquities Department") in 1914. The Dutch historian NJ Krom has also mentioned it in 1949. After being "forgotten", in 1979 three locals, Endi, Soma, and Abidin, reported to Edi, the Cultural Observer of Campaka Sub-district, about the existence of large square stone stacks of various sizes arranged in a terraced place leading to Mount Gede. Furthermore, together with the Cultural Section Chief of the Cianjur District Cultural Education Department, R. Adang Suwanda, he made a check. The follow-up is an archaeological, historical, and geological study by the Arkenas Research Center in 1979 on this site.
The location of the site is hilly and steep and difficult to reach. The complex is elongated, covering the surface of a hill bounded by large andesite rectangular stones. The site is surrounded by deep valleys. This place had previously been rescued by locals. The inhabitants considered him as the place of King Siliwangi, king of Sunda, trying to build a palace overnight.
The function of the Gunungpadang site is estimated to be a place of worship for the people who settled there in about 2000 years BC. The result of Rolan Mauludy and Hokky Situngkir research shows the possibility of musical involvement of some existing megalithic stones. In addition to Gunungpadang, there are several other footprints in Cianjur which is a relic of the megalithic period / Stone Age
Since March 2011, an ancient catastrophy research team set up by the Office of the Special Staff of the President of the Social Aid and Disaster Sector, in a survey to see Cimandiri's active fault activity passing from Pelabuhan Ratu to Padalarang passes Mount Padang. When the team conducted a subsurface survey of Padang Mountain, there was no magma intrusion. The research team then conducted a more detailed survey on the surface of Mount Padang with geophysical methodology, namely geoelectric, georadar, and geomagnet in the Site area. The result, the more convincing that Mount Padang a hill made or formed by man (man-made). In November 2011, the team led by Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, consisting of experts this earth is increasingly convinced that Mount Padang made by humanity of the past who had lived in the region.
Government of Indonesia Survey
The results of the survey and research were then presented at various scientific meetings both at the national and international level, even received appreciation from Prof. Dr. Oppenheimer. Then an ancient catastrophy team initiated the formation of a research team focused on further study in Mount Padang, where researchers were expanded and involved a wide range of disciplines and skills. Call it Dr. Ali Akbar is a prehistoric researcher from the University of Indonesia, who leads archaeological research. Then Pon Purajatnika, M.Sc., leads the field of architecture and territorial research, Dr. Budianto Ontowirjo led the civil structure research, and Dr. Andang Bachtiar is an expert on paleosedimentology, leading the research on layers of sediment in Mount Padang. The entire research team was incorporated in the Integrated Research Team of Mount Padang which was facilitated by the Office of the Special Staff of the President for Social Assistance and Disaster. Interestingly, all research funding was done independently by the researcher members.
The findings of the integrated research team of Gunung Padang was finally conducted carbon radiation test (carbon dating, C14). Interestingly, the results of the carbon test at the Miami Beta laboratory, in Florida USA, claim that carbon obtained from drilling at a depth of 5 meters to 12 meters is 14,500-25,000 years old. Full report results as follows:
The buildings below the surface of the Padang Mountain site are scientifically proven to be older than the Giza Pyramids. This refers to the result of carbon dating testing of Batan Laboratory (Indonesia) with LSC C14 method from paleosoil material at -4m depth at coring 1 location, paleosoil material age is 5500 + 130 years old BP last. While testing of sand material in depth -8 s.d. -10 m at the location of drill coring 2 is 11000 + 150 years.
Miami Beta Analytic Laboratory Results
The surprising and consistent results were released by the Miami Beta Analytic laboratory, Florida, where the ages from layers from a depth of about 5 meters to 12 meters of drill bit 2 were about 14500 - 23000 BC / or older. While some samples are consistent with what is done in Lab BATAN. We know the laboratory in Miami Florida is an international standard that is often the reference of various world research, especially related to carbon dating.
Both of these laboratories answered many doubts about the sample test in BATAN's laboratory. Previously, a self-contained integrated research team has conducted tests related to the age of Mount Padang in the BATAN laboratory, but not many positive responses, even doubts. Yet the results obtained by the two laboratories are not much different, It is time we believe in the ability and quality of scientists and national laboratories such as BATAN, following test results in both laboratories:
The age of the soil layer near the surface (60 cm below the surface), about 600 years BC (carbon dating results from archaeologist's sample, Dr. Ali Akbar, member of an integrated research team at the National Atomic Body Laboratory (BATAN).
The age of the sand-gravel layer at a depth of about 3-4 meters at Bor-1 which underlies the Padang Mountain Site above it (so it can be considered the age when the Padang Mountain Site in the upper layer was made) about 4700 years BC or older (taken from the analysis BATAN.
The age of the soil layers at a depth of 4 meters is thought to be man made stuctures with sand filled space (at a depth of 8-10 meters) below Terrace 5 on Bor-2, about 7600-7800 BC (BETA Miami Laboratory , Florida).
The ages of the sand fill the cavities at depths of 8-10 meters in Bor-2, about 11,600s years old BC or older (Lab Batan).
Age from layer from depth about 5 meters to 12 meters, about 14500 - 25000 BC / or older (BETA lab Miami Florida).
Earlier, an ancient catastrophic research team and continued by an integrated team of independent research on Mount Padang found some important things
Further Research
The opening of the bushes on the Southeast side of the 5th terrace downwards found 20 levels of terraces of punden terraces arranged by a civilized community of gotong royong having advanced technological capabilities. This terraced punden terraces break the previous research hypothesis that the Padang mountain site consists of only 5 terraces on an area of 900 m2. With the opening of 20 levels terracing shows that the site of Mount Padang is very large. It is estimated that the main core zone of Padang mountain site is greater than 25 hectares.
The opening of bushes and earth scans with Georadar on the East side of patio 2 downward finds the man-made gate structure. The results of sampling with coring drill 1, ensuring man-made structures up to -27m depth from the surface of the terrace 3. The sampling results by coring drill 2, found the structure of large man-made cavities containing sand with very uniform grains. Meanwhile, the results of geomagnetic measurements find a large magnetic field anomaly on the terrace 2.
The presence of signs in the form of drawings or man-made basins on each stone on the terrace 1 s.d. 5. Research on the meaning of image form and script that formed on andesite breccia is the latest thing.
In addition to research and surveys, literature review continues to be done. The Bujangga Manik manuscript of the 16th century mentions a place of "kabuyutan" (a place of ancestors revered by the Sundanese) in the upper Ci Sokan, a river known to have been in the vicinity of this site. According to legend, Gunung Padang Site is a regular meeting place (annual possibilities) of all traditional leaders of Ancient Sundanese society. Currently this site is also still used by groups of indigenous Sundanese to perform worship.
Research on the existence of buildings under the surface of Mount Padang has been done by several teams of experts. The team from the Geological Agency of ESDM, Kemenristek, and the National Archeology Team have concluded that there are no buildings below the surface of the mountain. The extent of the padang mountain is 900 square meters as it was discovered since NJ Krom. This final conclusion is officially the result of his research is written. The fourth team, the Integrated Research team concluded differently and has found solid evidence as the initial fact that there is a building beneath the surface of Mount Padang, and the extent is much larger than the present one as the other three teams concluded. With the principle of respecting differences and maintaining research ethics, it becomes an integrated team's duty to prove further the whole hypothesis.
When viewed from above, the mountain of the padang looks very exactly shaped with the pyramids in Egypt. Age is estimated much older than the pyramids of Egypt around 10,000 BC. Because the real mountain is not mountain but the building shaped like a pyramid that has been exposed to volcanic dust so that it looks like a mountain that has been overgrown with trees. Inside the padang mountain is believed to have a space in it that has now buried the ground.
In the mount site padang found a musical instrument in the form of rectangular rocks wavy at the top, if each wave beaten, it will issue different sounds between waves one with another.
There are some people who believe that the padang mountain site has links with pyramid sites in Egypt, because the shape is similar to the space in it and because its age is much older than the pyramids in Egypt. Currently the padang site is still under review period.
Browse the mystery of Mount Padang site. The age of "pyramids" of Mount Padang is estimated to be 4,700-10,900 years before Christ-compared to the Giza pyramids in Egypt, which is only 2,500 BC. But the proof is not maximized, and this causes geologists still doubt about the "pyramid" it. Too early to be announced. Therefore, the Integrated Research Team for Independent Mountain Padang continues its research in 2013. Until now Mount Padang has become a byword after the Ancient Catastrophy Team examine the earthquake fault Cimandiri fault, about four kilometers to the north of the site.
Controversy broke out after Andi Arief released a kind of pyramid under Mount Padang at the beginning of last year. He mentioned the site has space and is like man-made. His suspicions started from the shape of Mount Padang, which is almost an equilateral triangle when viewed from the north. Previously, the team also found a similar form in Mount Sadahurip in Garut and Bukit Dago Pakar in Bandung when researching Lembang Fault. Andi Arief and his team are continuing to conduct research and surveys to find out more below the surface of Mount Padang with a variety of methodologies, including geophysics, archeology, paleatchimentation, architecture and areas, until March 2014. However, for excavation is not done because it costs the big one.
Toward the end of 2012, the researchers of Mount Padang Independent Integrated Research Team held a meeting to evaluate research and survey results in 2012 and to plan further research on Mount Padang. The meeting, which was held at the Office of Special Staff of the President on December 18, 2012, resulted in new views from experts incorporated in the Integrated Research Team Mandiri presented and discussed the research findings and the steps forward. The Geology Team considers that the survey and study conducted has reached 99% has obtained complete data both geoelectric, georadar, and geomagnetic survey results, as well as and other geophysical tools. In addition to the satellite imagery, the IFSAR photo, the contour and the elevated digital model map (DEM). From the various data produced, plus the proof of paleosedimentation in some sampling drill points, and petrographic analysis, scientifically it can be concluded that there is indeed man-made structure beneath the surface of Gunung Padang site.
These subsurface structures are also confirmed to have chamber and other structural forms (alleged caves or tunnels), as well as the tendency of magnetic anomalies in various trajectories of geophysical instruments. The findings are further reinforced by the findings of archaeological teams who managed to find artifacts in the west and east of Mount Padang's buildings are also exposed, especially beyond the current definitive site. Even the early findings of artifacts in the form of a curved stone on the eastern side of the site, show a strong suspicion as an "entrance" into the subsurface building of Mount Padang. This archaeological find, the latest finding since the site was first discovered.
In addition, civilian teams and architects have advanced, in addition to exposing various types of stone pieces (which show human interference and technology of the day), also exposes the area of the site is much larger than the present. The team has found a structure similar to that found in Sumba Nusa Tenggara Barat.
In the near future a more detailed imaginary structure will be created based on the existing comparison. While the astronomy team will complete the findings of the timeline of manufacture that can be scientifically done outside the radio-carbon dating results that have been done until validation in two labs namely the National Atomic Energy Agency's labpratorium and radio-carbon laboratory in Miami Florida, USA.
For the future, researchers will concentrate on locations outside the site so that the form and content inside will open at once.
Advanced Research
Beginning January to March 2013 Independent Research Team led by Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja (earth genius), Dr. Ali Akbar (archaeologist), Dr. Andang Bachtiar (paleosedimentolog) resumed further research and surveys, stating that, beneath the surface of Mount Padang: There is an unnatural geological structure, with a hypothetical advanced technology of ancient times. To prove this, archaeological excavations and detailed geo-electric surveys around the excavation of the eastern slopes of the hill, beyond the fence of the cultural heritage site.
Dr. Tim. Ali Akbar finds evidence that confirms the team's hypothesis that under Padang Mountain there is a man-made structure consisting of andesite columns, the same as the stone structure that has been exposed, and made a cultural site on the hill. Seen in the surface trench feature box, the arrangement of andesite stone columns are already buried in layers of soil half a meter to two meters mixed with bits of andesite column fragments. The team's archaeological digging box shows the surface of the building composed of andesite column stones that have been covered by a layer of soil with rock-bending chunks. This column stone is elongated in parallel layers.
The andesite column stones are arranged in a horizontal approximate position with an almost east-west direction (about 70 degrees from north to east - N 70 E), similar to the direction of the column stone arrangement on the east-west wall of the one terrace, and the steep slopes of the connecting one terrace with two terraces. From the horizontal position of the andesite column stones and the direction of the layers, it can be concluded with certainty that the column stones or "columnar joints" are not in natural conditions. Rock columns resulting from cooling and weathering of lava rocks / volcanic intrusions in nature then the longitudinal direction of the column will be perpendicular to the direction of the layer or flow as found in many places in the world. The appearance of the stone-column arrangement revealed in the digging box does look very neat and natural conditions.
At the end of 2012, another team of archaeologists working separately and already digging concluded the andesite column stones in the ground of Mount Padang is a source of natural rocks; perhaps because they have not considered the geological aspect completely, and also do not know the data of subsurface structures as shown by geoelectric survey results.
The ancient cement
Among the column stones, found filler material called ancient cement. This material arranges and unites broken column rocks to pieces.
The development of research site Gunung Padang
The Mandiri Integrated Research Team is still continuing to excavate (drilling) to prove the existence of building structures and spaces below 4-5 meters deep. In addition, the estimated age of the site is also under investigation by examining samples from this site. Temporary suspicion is the site of Mount Padang is not built in one period, but it involves several cultures. For example, which makes the column stones become menhir-menhir, not necessarily the same as the people who make the arrangement of stone columns with ancient cement. Likewise, the building of andesite column stones on the surface, or already buried several meters below, is not necessarily built one period with the structure of the building underneath it again. This site can be evidence of the oldest human civilization unnoticed lost from the prehistoric information of Indonesia.

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