Rumah Gadang, a Cultural Heritage Hilled with Artistic Value


Rumah Gadang, a Cultural Heritage Hilled with Artistic Value

Rumah Gadang or Rumah Godang is the name for Minangkabau traditional house which is a traditional house and many in meet in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. This house is also called by another name by the local community by the name of Bagonjong House or there is also a mention by the name of Rumah Baanjuang.

Houses with this model are also commonly found in western sumatra, but not all areas in Minangkabau (darek) may be established this traditional house, only in areas that already have the status as nagari alone Rumah Gadang this can be established. Likewise in the area called the rantau, this traditional house was also formerly not established by the Minangkabau migrants.

Rumah Gadang as a place to live together, has its own provisions. The number of rooms depends on the number of women living in them. Every woman in that family who has married acquires a room. While elderly women and children have a place in the room near the kitchen. Teenage girls get rooms together at the other end.

All the inside of Rumah Gadang is a room off except the bedroom. The interior is divided into lanes and spaces marked by poles. The pole ran from face to back and from left to right. The poles that ran from front to back mark the lanjar, while the pole from left to right marks space. The number of lanjars depends on the size of the house, two, three and four. The space consists of an odd number of between three and eleven.

Rumah Gadang is usually built on a plot of land belonging to the parent family in the tribe / kaum is hereditary and is only owned and inherited from and to women in the people. In front of Rumah Gadang there are usually two Rangkiang buildings, used to store rice. Rumah Gadang on the right wing of the building and left there is anjung space (Minang language: anjuang) as a place of bride bersanding or place of customary head coronation, therefore Gadang home also named as Baanjuang house. Anjung on kelarasan Koto-Piliang wearing buffer rod, while on the latter Bodi-Chaniago not wear a support stick under it. This is in accordance with the philosophy adopted by these two different groups, the first group embraces the hierarchical principle of government using anjung that uses a buffer rod, on the second group anjuang as if floating in the air. Not far from the Rumah Gadang complex is usually also built a surau of the people who function as a place of worship, place of education and also at the same time become the residence of adult men of the unmarried.

This traditional house has the uniqueness of the architectural form with a pointy roof shape that resembles buffalo horns and formerly made of fibers that can hold up to tens of years, but later this roof of many houses changed with a tin roof. Rumah Gadang is made in rectangular shape and divided into two parts, face and back. The front of Rumah Gadang is usually full of ornate carvings and is generally patterned with roots, flowers, leaves and rectangular and parallel fields. While the rear exterior coated with bamboo hemisphere. This traditional house is constructed of long columns, large house-made buildings, but not easily broken by shocks, and every element of Rumah Gadang has its own meaning which is underlaid by the existing tambo in the customs and culture of the local community.

In general, Rumah Gadang has one ladder located on the front. While the kitchen is built separately on the back of the house attached to the wall.

Because Minangkabau area is prone to earthquake since it used to be in the mountains of Bukit Barisan, the architecture of Rumah Gadang also takes into account the design that is earthquake resistant. The whole pole of Rumah Gadang is not implanted into the ground, but it rests on a flat, wide, flat rock. All the connections for each large pole and raft (kaso) encounter do not wear nails, but use pegs that are also made of wood. When the earthquake occurs Rumah Gadang will move flexibly like dancing on a flat stone where a milestone or pole stands. Similarly, every connection connected by the wooden pegs also moves flexibly, so that the constructed Gadang House will be impervious to the earthquake.

On the part of the House Gadang made of board material, while the back of the bamboo material. The wall board is mounted vertically, while all the boards that become walls and frames are engraved, so the entire wall becomes full of carvings. The placement of the carving motif depends on the arrangement and the location of the board on the Gadang House wall.
Basically carving on Rumah Gadang is a decoration of filler fields in the form of circular or square lines. The motif is generally vines, roots that are leafy, flowering and fruiting. Root patterns are usually in the form of circles, roots aligned, coincide, interwoven and also connect. Branch or root branch cuddle outward, inward, upward and downward.

Besides root motif, other motifs encountered are geometric motifs with triangle, four and parallelogram. Leaf, flower or fruit motif can also be carved individually or in a row.

Making process
According to its tradition, the main pole of Rumah Gadang, called tuo's four pillars, is taken from the forest in a mutual way by the nagari children, especially the kin, and involves dozens of people. The trunk of the felled tree is usually a juha tree that is old and straight with a diameter between 40 cm to 60 cm. Juha tree is famous for hard and strong. Once brought into the tree nagari is not directly in use, but soaked in the pond belongs to the people or large families for many years.

After enough time the tree trunk is lifted or raised to be used as a tuo milestone. The procession raised / planted the tree is also called as mambangkik tarandam rod (raising a soaked tree), then the process of building Rumah Gadang continues to the next procession, set up tuo pole or main pillar as many as four pieces, which is seen as enforcing greatness.
The House of the Five Senses in Holland adopting the Minangkabau Gadang House design.
The Malaysian Pavilion at the World Shanghai Expo 2010 adopted the design of Rumah Gadang Negeri Sembilan.

The tree trunk that has been soaked for years is then very hard and can not be eaten by termites, so it can survive as a milestone tuo or main pole for hundreds of years. Soaking the tree trunks that will be a tuo milestone for many years is one of the keys that make traditional Gadang Houses able to survive for hundreds of years across the ages.

The uniqueness of the curved and tapered roof shape of Rumah Gadang has inspired several architects in other parts of the country, such as Ton van de Ven in the Netherlands adopting the design of Rumah Gadang in The House of the Five Senses. The building that was operated since 1996 was used as the main gateway of the Efteling Entertainment Park. The 52-meter building and 4500-square-meter roof area is a wooden construction with the largest thatched roof in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records.

The design of Rumah Gadang which is widely available in Negeri Sembilan was also adopted in the building of the Malaysian pavilion at the World Shanghai Expo 2010 held in Shanghai, China in 2010.

Gonjong (curved and tapered roof) The Gadang House becomes a symbol or icon for the Minangkabau community in addition to other icons, such as black-red-yellow-gold, rendang, and others. Almost all government offices in West Sumatra use the design of Rumah Gadang with gonjongnya roof, although built permanently with cement and stone. Gonjong icon is also used in the front of the restaurant Padang in various places outside of West Sumatra. Logo-logo of Minang institutions or associations are also many who wear icons gonjong with all the variations.

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