Mount Tangkuban Parahu, a Mountain Full of Legends in Western Java Indonesia


Tangkuban Parahu or Mount Tangkuban Perahu is one of the mountains located in West Java Province, Indonesia. Approximately 20 km to the north of Bandung City, with lush pine trees and expanse of tea gardens in the vicinity, Mount Tangkuban Perahu has a height of 2,084 meters. The shape of this mountain is the Stratovulcano with an eruption center that moves from east to west. The type of rock that is released through the eruption is mostly lava and sulfur, the mineral released is sulfur sulfur, a mineral that is released when the inactive volcano is sulfur vapor. The area of ​​Gunung Tangkuban Perahu is managed by Perum Perhutanan. The average daily temperature is 17 oC during the day and 2 oC at night.

Mount Tangkuban Perahu has a forest area of ​​Dipterocarp Hill, Upper Dipterocarp Forest, Montane forest, and Ericaceous Forest or mountain forest.

Local folklore

The origin of Mount Tangkuban Perahu is associated with the legend of Sangkuriang, who is told to fall in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi / Rarasati. To thwart the intention of his son to marry her, Dayang Sumbi proposed that Sangkuriang make a lake and a boat overnight. When his effort failed, Sangkuriang angered and kicked the boat so it landed in a reversed state. This boat that later formed Mount Tangkuban Parahu.

Sangkuriang (legend)

Sangkuriang is a legend derived from West Java. The legend is about the creation of the lake of Bandung, Mount Tangkuban Parahu, Mount Burangrang, and Mount Bukit Tunggul.

From the legend, we can determine how long the Sundanese people live in the highlands of Bandung. From these legends backed by geological facts, it is estimated that the Sundanese had lived on this plain since thousands of years before Christ.

The legend of Sangkuriang was originally an oral tradition. Written reference to this legend is in the manuscript Bujangga Manik written on leaves of lontar dating from the late 15th century or early 16th century AD. In the manuscript it is written that Prince Jaya Pakuan aka Prince Bujangga Manik or Ameng Layar visited the holy places of Hinduism on the island of Java and the island of Bali at the end of the 15th century.

After a long journey, Bujangga Manik arrived at what is now the city of Bandung. He became the first eyewitness to write the name of the place legendanya. The report is as follows:

  • Leumpang aing ka baratkeun (I walk to the west)
  • Come to Bukit Patenggeng (then come to Mount Patenggeng)
  • Sakakala Sang Kuriang (where the legend of the Kuriang)
  • Deck time Ci tarum (Time will stem Citarum)
  • The coppe kestangan (but failed because of lateness)

Summary of The Story

Initially told in heaven there are a pair of gods and goddesses who make mistakes, then by Sang Hyang Tunggal they are cursed down to earth in the form of animals. The goddess transformed into a wild boar (boar) named Hopung Hyang boar, while the god turned into a dog named Tumang. They have to go down to earth to run the penalty and pray for forgiveness in order to return to being gods again.

It is said that Raja Sungging Perbangkara was going hunting. In the middle of the forest the King discards the urine that is accommodated in the leaf caring (taro forest), in another version mentioned urine the king is accommodated in coconut shell. A female pig named Celeng Wayung Hyang who was meditating was thirsty, he then accidentally drank the urine of the king earlier. Wayung Hyang is miraculously pregnant and gives birth to a beautiful baby, because basically he is a goddess. The beautiful baby was found in the middle of a forest by the king who did not realize that he was his daughter. The baby girl was brought to the palace by her father and named Dayang Sumbi aka Rarasati. Dayang Sumbi grows into a very beautiful girl. Many kings and princes want to ask for her hand, but no one is accepted.

Finally the kings fought each other among themselves. Dayang Sumbi was at his own request to seclude himself on a hill accompanied by a male dog that is Si Tumang. While being engrossed in weaving cloths, the torompongs used in cloth weaving fell beneath the bale-bale. Dayang Sumbi because he felt lazy, said without thinking first, he promised anyone who picked up the piston that fell if man, will be made her husband, if the woman will be made sister. The Tumang picks the piston and gives it to Dayang Sumbi. As a result of his saying that Dayang Sumbi must hold firmly his pledge and promise, then he must marry the Tumang. In shame, the kingdom alienated Dayang Sumbi into the forest to live only with the Tumang. On the night of the full moon, the Tumang can return to his original form as a handsome god, Dayang Sumbi thinks he dreams of flirting with a handsome god who is actually the original form of the Tumang. Dayang Sumbi finally gave birth to a baby boy named Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang grows into a strong and handsome boy.

One day Dayang Sumbi middle crave eat the heart menjangan, then he ordered Sangkuriang accompanied the Tumang to hunt into the forest. After a long time Sangkuriang hunting, but did not seem any game hunting. Until finally Sangkuriang saw a fat boar escape. Sangkuriang told the Tumang to chase the wild boar which turned out to be the Celeng Wayung Hyang. Because the Tumang recognize the Devil Wayung Hyang is the grandmother of Sangkuriang himself then the Tumang does not obey. Because upset Sangkuriang scare the Tumang with arrows, but accidentally the arrows released and the Tumang was killed by an arrow. Sangkuriang confused, then because no animal can hunt so Sangkuriang slaughter the body of the Tumang and take his heart. The heart of the Tumang by Sangkuriang given to Dayang Sumbi, then cooked and eaten.After Dayang Sumbi learned that what he ate was Tumang's heart, her own husband, his anger was mounted and the head of Sangkuriang was hit with a spoon made of coconut shell so that it was injured.

Sangkuriang fears and runs away from home. Dayang Sumbi who regrets his actions has expelled his son, searched and called Sangkuriang to the forest begging him to go home, but Sangkuriang has gone. Dayang Sumbi is very sad and begged to Sang Hyang Tunggal to be reunited with her child. For that Dayang Sumbi run tapa and behavior only eat raw vegetables and vegetables (lalapan). Sangkuriang himself went wandering around the world. Sangkuriang went to a lot of magical ascetics, so Sangkuriang is now no longer a boy, but has grown into a strong, powerful and mighty young man. After a long walk to the east finally arrived in the west again and unknowingly have arrived back at the place Dayang Sumbi, his mother was. Sangkuriang did not recognize that the beautiful princess she found was Dayang Sumbi - her mother. Because Dayang Sumbi do tapa and the behavior only eat raw plants, then Dayang Sumbi be stay beautiful and youthful. Dayang Sumbi was initially unaware that the handsome knight was his own son. Then the two men were affectionate sweet. When Sangkuriang was leaning intimately and Dayang Sumbi combed Sangkuriang's hair, Dayang Sumbi accidentally found out that Sangkuriang was his son, with a mark on his head, Sumbi Dayang spoon blow. However Sangkuriang still forced to marry her. Dayang Sumbi tried hard to resist. So he was determined to determine the conditions that can not meet the proposal Sangkuriang. Dayang Sumbi requested that Sangkuriang make boats and lakes (lakes) overnight by damming the Citarum river. Sangkuriang agreed.

So the boat was made from a tree that grows in the east, the stump / stump of the tree turned into a mountain of Bukit Tanggul. The branches are stacked in the west and become Burangrang Mountain. With the help of the guriang (spirits), the dam was almost done. But Dayang Sumbi begged Sang Hyang Tunggal for Sangkuriang's intention not to happen. Dayang Sumbi throws down the fabric of the fabric (white cloth of the woven fabric), then the white cloth shines like the dawn that cracked on the eastern horizon. The guriang spirits of Sangkuriang's men were terrified of thinking that the day was beginning to rise, so they disappeared into hiding in the ground. Due to failing to qualify Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang became angry and raged. At the peak of his anger, the dam that was in Sanghyang Tikoro dijebolnya, Citarum river plugs thrown to the east and transformed into Mount Manglayang. Air Talaga Bandung also became receded again. Boats are worked with difficulty kicked to the north and changed into a form of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.
Sangkuriang continues to pursue Dayang Sumbi who ran away from the pursuit of his son who has lost his sense of it. Dayang Sumbi almost caught by Sangkuriang in Gunung Putri and he begged to Sang Hyang Tunggal to save him, then Dayang Sumbi turned into a jaksi flower. As for Sangkuriang after arriving at a place called Ujung Berung finally disappear into the unseen (ngahiyang).

Sangkuriang and Sundanese Philosophy

According to Hidayat Suryalaga, legend or sasakala Sangkuriang is intended as a light of enlightenment (Sungging Perbangkara) for anyone human (cariang plants) who are still undecided about his existence and wishing to find the identity of humanity (Wayungyang). The results obtained from this search will give birth to conscience (conscience) as the true truth (Dayang Sumbi, Rarasati). But if not accompanied by prudence and full awareness (torompong), then he will be mastered and overwhelmed by a sense of indecisiveness continuously (digagahi the Tumang) which will give birth to egoistic ego, the soul that has not been enlightened (Sangkuriang ). When the Conscience is consumed again by kewaswasan (Dayang Sumbi eat the heart of the Tumang) then the loss of the essential consciousness. The feeling of sorrow experienced by the Conscience is exposed to the beating of the arrogance ratio of the Ego (the head of Sangkuriang beaten). His arrogance also affects the "Ego Ratio" to stay away and leave the Conscience. It turns out the arrogance of the Ego Rasio is tired-looking for knowledge (intellectual intelligence) during pengembaraannya in the world (towards the East). In the end back to the west that consciously or unconsciously always sought and missed is the Conscience (Sangkuriang Meeting with Dayang Sumbi).

However, the unification of the Ego Rasio (Sangkuriang) with the enlightened conscience (Dayang Sumbi), is not as easy as predicted. Armed with the knowledge that has mastered the Ego Ratio (Sangkuriang) must be able to create a social life based on compassion, interdependency - harvesting and harvesting humanity harmonious, which is a lake of social life (making Talaga Bandung) inhabited various bundles human with a wide range of his temperament (Citarum). Meanwhile, the integrity of the identity must be formed also by the Ego Rasio itself (boat making). The existence of the Ego The ratio is not inseparable from his history, there is a principal origin (Bukit Tunggul, sajaratun tree) from the beginning of its existence (east, where the beginning of life). The Ego Ratio must also indicate its existence (tutunggul, penada diri) and ultimately he will also have a descendant manifested in a society that will come and at a time all end up swallowed up into a pile of bones (mount Burangrang).

How pathetic, if it turns out that the hope for the union of the Ego Ratio with the Enlightened Conscience (almost happening Sangkuriang marriage with Dayang Sumbi), failed because of the presence of the end point, the end of life contained body (boeh rarang or shroud). Finally the destiny that affects the Ego Rasio is only a very, very, very angry feeling of "himself". So he kicked his self-centered self-esteem, a heap of transcendental humans lying face down on his misfortune (Mount Tangkubanparahu).

However because the Ego Rasio still feel curious, he pursued the Enlightened Conscience of his desirable (Dayang Sumbi) in the hope of melting united between the Ego Rasio with the Conscience. But it turns out that the Enlightened Conscience only appears to be a witness to the behavior that had happened and experienced the Ego Ratio (Jaksi flower).

The end of the story is when the emergence of awareness of the ending of the rationality (Ujungberung). With his awareness also, deprived and thrown the dominance of arrogance domination ratio (Manglayang mountain). So now the channels of communicating process are polite to anyone (Sanghyang Tikoro or throat: Sundanese: Hade ku omong goreng ku omong). And carefully kept true food that goes into his mouth to always be clean and useful kosher.

Compatibility with geological facts

Legend of Sangkuriang according to the geological facts of the creation of Lake Bandung and Mount Tangkuban Parahu.

Recent geological research shows that the remains of ancient lakes are 125,000 years old. The lake dried up 16,000 years ago.

There have been two ancient Sundanese eruptions with the Plinian eruption types of 105,000 and 55,000-50,000 years ago. The second plinian eruption has torn down the caldera of ancient Sunda Mountain, creating Tangkuban Parahu Mountain, Mount Burangrang (also called Gunung Sunda), and Mount Bukittunggul.

It is quite possible that the early Sundanese had occupied the highlands of Bandung and witnessed the second Plinian eruption which swept the western settlement of Ci Tarum (north and northwest of Bandung) during the eruption period at 55,000-50,000 years ago when Mount Tangkuban Parahu was created from the remains Ancient Sunda Mountain. This is the period of Homo sapiens; they have been identified living in southern Australia at 62,000 years ago, during the Java Man (Wajak) some 50,000 years ago.
Mount Tangkuban Parahu includes active volcanoes whose status is constantly monitored by the Directorate of Volcanology of Indonesia. Some craters still show signs of the liveliness of this mountain. Among the signs of this volcanic activity are the emergence of sulfur gases and hot springs at the foot of the mountain, among them in Ciater, Subang. Mount Tangkuban Parahu had experienced a small eruption in 2006, which caused 3 people slightly injured.

The existence of this mountain and the shape of the topography of Bandung in the form of hollow with hills and mountains on each side strengthen the theory of the existence of a large lake which is now a region of Bandung. Believed by geologists that the highlands of Bandung with an altitude of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of a large lake formed from the damming of Ci Tarum by the eruption of ancient volcanoes known as Mount Sunda and Mount Tangkuban Parahu is the rest of ancient Sunda Mountain which is still active. This phenomenon can be seen on Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and Ngorongoro region in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend of Sangkuriang which is a community story of the area is believed to be a documentation of the community of the Sunda Purba area against events at that time.

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